Tag Archive | short hikes in Maine

Bonyun Preserve, Westport Island, ME

To combat the onset of stir-craze due to endless days of isolation from the COVID-19 outbreak, my thoughts return to a beautiful preserve we visited last fall.  We’ve now spent two full weeks at our farm with no close contact with other humans.  The next sunny day I plan to travel to Westport Island, near Wiscasset, Maine, to enjoy Bonyun Preserve.  It is easy to avoid human contact in the woods of Maine.  We are lucky to have so many active land preservation groups here.  Without their work, our access to the gorgeous Maine coast would be severely limited.

Bonyun Preserve is 68 acres of land with frontage on the Sasanoa River estuary, a tidal saltwater area.  There are over 2 miles of walking trails through mature forest, skirting tidal creeks, over a wooden bridge and along shore front.  Several interesting islands dot the off-shore scenery and the remains of a 19th century tidal mill used to saw wood and grind corn.  The best time to get the full scenic effect would be the several hours around high tide when the mud flats are covered. 

Bonyun Preserve is valuable as a home for many species of birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates.  So much of the coast of Maine is developed for private homes that large tracts of wild land are becoming increasing rare.  The wildlife needs a place to live and roam if we are to keep Maine’s natural beauty.

The preserve was donated by the Bonyun family.  Bill and Gene Bonyun were popular folk singers and folklorists in Maine.  They purchased the land in 1940 and their children donated it for public enjoyment.  The trust that holds the land plans to expand the size of the parcel with additional purchases.  What a gift to future generations!